Monday, September 3, 2007

A Culture of Change

I've just read Dr. Moojan Momen's paper, "A Change of Culture" ( Since what he has alleged is that a major shift is happening before our eyes in the Baha'i community, it seems to me to be pertinent to discuss its implications. I have identified five topics that particularly interested me.

These unwanted traits include the passivity implied by the words "member of a congregation." Members of a congregation play a receptive role - receiving sermons, sacraments and advice from the priest. They are told what their scriptures mean and how to apply that to their lives. In some congregations, it is even considered to be within the priest's powers to hear confessions and pardon sins. Bahá'ís can no longer, in the new culture, play such a passive role. They must actively participate in their communities, study and interpret their scriptures for themselves, and work out their own salvation. Each Bahá'í must be his or her own priest.

While that was a figure of speech, I think it was an unfortunate choice of words. Baha'u'llah has abolished priesthood and priestcraft, the entire ecclesiastical order, including the monastic vocation for men and women alike. What He encourages His followers to do is to consult with one another and not just go off on their own. We are enjoined to consult with those of other religions, to consult with those of other nationalities, to consult with each other, and when we are selected to administer the affairs of the community we are required to consult with one another and arrive at concensus whenever possible in all of our institutional decisions. It is consultation and not individualism that are stressed throughout Baha'i literature. Perhaps this is what you meant to convey?

The second phrase in the above statement points to the fact that leadership and decision-making in the new culture should no longer be the prerogative of ambitious or learned individuals. We live in societies that are patriarchal -- where leadership is by a small number of individuals, mainly men. Such societies are hierarchical and, because men are inherently more aggressive and competitive, they tend to end up at the top of these hierarchies. And Bahá'ís have unconsciously imported these tendencies into their Bahá'í communities in many areas, resulting in a situation where a small number of individuals, usually men, run the community in those localities. It is clear, however, that the Bahá'í community should be one in which there are no hierarchies of power -- only a hierarchy of opportunities for service. Any situations of power or hierarchy that exist in the community, structures that inherently favour men who are more competitive and aggressive, must come to an end. Decision-making must be through consultative processes and collective leadership - a community structure that is more conducive to women and minorities playing an active part in the community.

In practice what seems to be coming into existence is a dictatorship of the bottom line and a careful avoidance of any appearance of conflict. I have personally been in communities which were as thoroughly dominated by women as others have been by men. What characterized all of these dominations was a community-wide perception that nothing should be said or done that might possibly offend anyone, and that conflict of any kind should be assiduously avoided, including disagreement. No clash of differing opinions from which the spark of truth will out. In practice I have found this kind of decision-making to disempower virtually everyone. Everyone tries so hard to be "nice" that in fact nobody is being honest, except of course for those who are dominating...even they may be disempowered because they may feel that they must continue to do what they have launched. So often a kind of emotional paralysis and governance by guilt replace the spiritual dynamics of Baha'i consultation.

The third element in the statement of the Universal House of Justice signals that it is no longer sufficient, in the new culture, for Bahá'ís to fit in their Bahá'í activities into odd nooks and crannies of their lives. Their participation in the community must become a central feature of their personal and family lives. This may be the most difficult of the three elements for Bahá'ís in the West to implement, with the enormous and never-ending materialistic demands that modern life places on the individual.

The Central Figures of our Faith, the Guardian and the Universal House of Justice have been counseling Baha'is from the outset to consecrate their entire lives to the Faith. The Universal House of Justice rallies us with virtually every letter to rededicate ourselves to service to the Faith. What may be distinctive about the new culture is that the Universal House of Justice has identified activities which can indeed occupy the believers in a level of effective service to the Faith that may transcend what they experienced earlier. Whereas before they may have served on committees, given firesides, taken part in deepenings, travel taught, pioneered, taught children's classes, in practice few Baha'is had time to do all of the above. Those few experienced what? Burn-out. In fact, most believers did the very minimum. Now with the establishment of the core activities, it is likely that most believers will become actively engaged in at least one of these paths of service, and since all are integral to the development of a healthy and sustainable community, they will be making an integral contribution by doing so. It is no longer all or nothing. This is a healthy change of culture. Together we can create an integrated community, instead of having a few individuals do all the community stuff and the rest of us looking on with amasement or horror. Those who agitated for years about the need to establish the Mashriqu'l-Adhkar can devote themselves to devotional gatherings. Those who agitated for years about the need to raise our children as Baha'is can teach children and pre-youth and youth classes. Those who agitated for years about the need for Baha'is to read the Baha'i writings and internalize the Baha'i teachings can serve as facilitators and tutors. There are many avenues of service, and each community is in need of all of them. There is no hierarchy, because all are integral to the health and wholeness of the community.

The new culture of the Bahá'í community is one in which the individual and the family take a much more central role.

The old culture of the Baha'i community with which most of us are familiar was one in which the individual had a great deal of liberty...perhaps too much liberty. We made alot of mistakes because we tried to do alone what is meant to be done by a community. The family was central to virtually every Baha'i endeavor. Firesides and deepenings and in most communities feasts and holy days were commemorated in family homes. Now there are Baha'i centers popping up all over, and the family has been replaced as the center of Baha'i community. This is very difficult for many Baha'is to adjust to. It doesn't feel comfortable and natural and normal for alot of us. While this new culture may not be intended to be congregational, the existence of Baha'i centers and their replacement of various important social functions furnished in earlier generations by families has given many Baha'i communities more rather than less of a congregational identity than in the past. Perhaps the guidance of the Universal House of Justice, calling for the Baha'is to forsake congregational culture for a new kind of culture is in response to the proliferation of these Baha'i centers? Without such advice, Baha'i communities were indeed becoming increasingly like churches, synagogues and mosques--we had our community centers, our feasts and holy days chaired by the chairman of the Spiritual Assembly (whether male or female, assuming a kind of clerical role), our administrative and devotional procedures (like the liturgies and rituals of other communities of faith). It all seemed so familiar--so comfortable for some of us, and so uncomfortable for others. But apparently this is not the culture that the Universal House of Justice wants, this is not the culture Baha'u'llah envisioned and which it is their responsibility to bring into existence and protect.

"Fear of failure finds no place. Mutual support, commitment to learning, and appreciation of diversity of action are the prevailing norms." In other words that the support coming from these transformed communities mitigates any fears that the individual may have and the "culture of learning" that has been instituted means that every teaching effort that is made becomes an opportunity for learning and so, even if it fails, it is not a wasted effort.

If the community can and will treat all of its members this way then this will be a great transformation. But what I keep hearing from other Baha'is, and what I keep feeling myself is that since the establishment of this new culture, a new stratification of the community has resulted. There are insiders, those who are actively engaged in one or more of the core activities, and there are outsiders, who are not engaged in any of them. The insiders may give one another "mutual support", might show a "commitment to learning" and "appreciation of diversity of action"...but do they show the same to outsiders? I have my doubts, and so do others.

These may be purely subjective reflections, and in the light of objective study, it may be that all of your depictions of the new culture are accurate and that my reservations are unwarranted.


RBurns said...

Nice thoughts Peter,

On the one hand Momem is probably correct is seeing the current changes in the Bahai community as a change in culture--the question remains as to whether it is a beneficial change or not and again a second question as to who it will benefit and who it will not benefit.

The Faith seems to be moving away from its primarily Western orientation which has been in place since the Master first met Western pilgrims in Akka/Haifa. So I think Western believers and Western Baha'i institutions are clear losers here.

The winners may be non-western cultures.

Cheers, Randy

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.

RonPrice said...

I have just posted an article on this new culture of learning. It is some 11,000 words in length and may be of interest to readers here. It can be found at Baha'i Library Online. Type "Price: in the "By author" box on the access page and scroll down to article #46.

Unknown said...

Since I posted the above item here at this blog, I have written a much more extensive introduction to the paradigmatic shift in the Baha'i community, the new culture of learning and growth that is at the heart of this paradigm. I have made this post at several internet sites. It seemed like a good idea to give readers some specific steps on how to access this now revised article/essay at Baha’i Library Online(BLO).

In the two year period during which my essay, what is now a small book, has been on the internet there have been many thousand views of this study at the few sites where it has been posted.

In addition to googling "Baha'i Culture of Learning and Growth" and accessing my article in the process, readers can take the following steps to access the most recent edition of this piece of writing at BLO: (i) type Baha’i Library Online or Baha’i Academics Resource Library into your search engine; (ii) click on the small box “By author” at the top of the access page at BLO; (iii) type “Price” into the small box that then appears and click on the word “Go;” and then (iv) scroll down to article/document item #46 and (v) click on that item and read to your heart’s content. When your eyes and your mind start to glaze over, stop reading.

The article/small book can be downloaded free and you will then have access to a revised article, a 150 page, 70,000 word context for all this new paradigmatic terminology that has come into the Baha’i community in the last 13 years.

The statement is a personal one, does not assume an adversarial attitude, attempts to give birth of as fine an etiquette of expression as I can muster and, I like to think, possesses both candour and critical thought on the one hand and praise and delight at the process on the other. I invite readers to what I also like to think is “a context on which relevant fundamental questions” regarding this new paradigm may be discussed within the Baha’i community. It is also my intention to update this article in the months and years ahead. One of the advantages of the BLO site is the freedom it gives to a writer to update the article right on the site in an ongoing process as new insights from major thinkers in the Baha'i community and information from the elected and appointed institutions of the Cause comes to hand.

If time and the inclination permit, check it out. No worries, no obligation, just if it interests you. You may find the piece of writing too long as I'm sure many readers do. After a few paragraphs of reading, you will get the flavour of the exercise. Just keep reading if your mind and spirit are enjoying the process.

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